Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A reverential flying fuck and a half.

Fucking asswipe of a computer. Stupid motherfucking cunt of a machine. Just fails to deliver. Killer of thoughts. Murderer of expression. A wastrel of the virtual. Fails to recognize true emotion. Its quite apparent when you type the most endearing word in the English language. Fuck.

Small, yet fluid, electric on the nerves at a mere mention, immediately a harbinger of a million thoughts. A sum total of all hopes, disappointments, goals and losses. The balance between cunts and goddesses from Olympus. Yet, type the word, and a heathen crooked red underline shall rudely bring you out of your reverie with an equally inane option for spell check. Really. Fuck.

The world outside has gone much on the same lines with the pointlessness aspect as well. The flourish of a fountain pen is a thing of the distant past. Burn fuel but save electricity. Fucking nincompoops. Political correctness. Equality of gender. Fucking dog poop catcher full of stinky hogwash, if you ask me. You're judged. Fuck it.

In a recent sequence of inadvertence, I attended a congregation where feminism was fanned faster than a clit in heat and almost to the same passionate and orgasmic levels. Irked the living daylights outta me, rubbing me the wrong way with the pointlessness of the whole exercise exactly like microsoft word does with the spell check minion. Don't get me wrong, I love women. An intelligent conversation with one goes miles. Miles longer than where an inconsequential fuck would end. The former has the potency to get me off my posterior and make her a nice cup of tea, whereas, the latter could be forgotten by the next evening. Sorry, morning.

There are other things that I could discuss or rant about, like economic disparity, or maybe something even more pointless, professional sports, perhaps? I might appear to be a classical textbook definition of a patriarchal asshole and well, maybe I am. But seriously, is there anything remotely more discussion worthy apart from a woman? Let me answer that. No.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, this dedication shall forever be in the reverent exploits of the fairer chromosome. May woman inherit the earth. Raise your goblets.

To cunts and goddesses.

To Aphrodite and Medusa.

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